

周晓慧    Joseph N. Wolukau            陈劲枫

(作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室·南京农业大学园艺学院    南京    210095

    要: 为了明确甜瓜蔓枯病抗性与SODCAT POD活性变化的关系,采用甜瓜蔓枯病菌孢子悬浮液对抗病材料PI 196477和感病材料绿宝石进行接种,并于接种后测定叶片内SODCATPOD的活性变化。结果表明:甜瓜植株受蔓枯病菌侵染后,抗病材料的SODCAT活性均高于感病材料;抗病材料的POD活性上升慢,活性相对较弱,感病材料的POD活性上升快,活性强,且抗病材料的POD活性增加幅度明显低于感病材料。POD活性变化与甜瓜蔓枯病抗性有密切关系,可作为早期筛选抗性种质的辅助指标。

关键词: 甜瓜; 蔓枯病; SOD CAT POD


Relationships between activity changes of superoxide dismutasescatalase peroxidase and resistance to gummy stem blight in melon

ZHOU Xiao-hui Joseph N. Wolukau LI Ying CHEN Jin-feng

State Key Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement College of Horticulture Nanjing Agricultural University NanjingJiangsu 210095 China

Abstract To understand the relationships between the activities of  superoxide dismutases SOD),catalase CAT),pero-xidasePOD and resistance of melon to gummy stem blightdynamic changes of activities of SODCAT and POD in resistant accession PI 196477 and susceptible accession Lvbaoshi were analyzed after inoculation by Didymella bryoniae. The results showed that: SOD and CAT activities were higher in the resistant accession PI 196477 than in the susceptible accession Lvbaoshi POD activity of PI 196477 was weak and increased slowlywhile that of Lvbaoshi was comparatively strong and increased rapidly. It is postulated that the changes in activity of POD after the infection by D. bryoniae could be used as early indicator in screening the melon germplasm for the resistance to gummy stem blight.

Key words Melon Gummy stem blight SOD CAT POD


